Find out the Latest Politcial Scandals…and MORE

message to mayor bloomberg by w00kie.

The NY Daily news has a politcial blog which gives you daily updates on NYC politics. I’m not going to lie, I barely follow national politcs, let alone the city. But since this is the stuff that affects us all daily, it would probably be a good idea if sometimes we checkd up on it.

Picture thanks to

Groom Yourself for Less

waiting 2 get pedicure by bettyx1138.

Lifebooker promotes health and beauty on a budget. It is the preeminent marketplace where spas and salons advertise discounted appointments. The site, which is free for clients, allows you to browse through uniquely good deals and book appointments instantly online. In order to ensure users get the best Lifebooker has to offer, they’ve made it possible to filter or sort services by appointment availability, discount amount, total price, by neighborhood, duration of service, individual service rating. You can also book for multiple guests at once.

For many people the recession has made Lifebooker an essential resource for maintaining their health and appearance during these tough times. Students and interns alike have trouble keeping up with the demands of living in the city as well. As a result the site is receiving media coverage from outlets such as 0, The Oprah Magazine, which recommends it as the, “easy way to find the best-priced salon treatments.”

-Written by Lifebooker

Make Parking Suck…A Little Less

Cry baby by Otterman56.

This website, Best Parking, helps you find the best parking option in New York for when a friend (the one that insists on driving in even though you told them not to) comes to visit.

Someone is Listening to Everything You Say

DSC_0259 by n0nick.

The website Overhead In New York is exactly what it sounds like.  It’s pretty funny and also frightening that I’m sure I could be on here. I say incredibly stupid/mean stuff all the time in public.

Because You Always Wonder Where Your Taxi Driver Eats

new york taxis by ShedBOy^.

Okay, to be honest, I never did wonder where they ate.  I was always more concerned that they get me to my destination before the meter fare exceeded the cash in my wallet.

Taxigourmet is a fun blog where the writer does ask her taxi drivers where they love to eat and then goes to that location and checks it out.

The Best Midtown Lunch Guide

Lunch at The Great Sphinx Food Cart 1 by aturkus.

Even though I work in the countryside of Brooklyn, I’m constantly checking out this  midtown lunch blog which highlights every possible midtown lunch place ever opened including the street meat carts and ever-moving food trucks.

Want To Travel to the Tri-State Area?

Metro North Train by HelveticaFanatic.

If you for some crazy reason want to leave the city to visit friends/family/an e-harmony blind date  in the suburbs, there are easy ways to get out.

Click on the following links to find out the fastest/best ways to get there.

Westchester/Connecticut -Trains leaves From Grand Central

Long Island – Trains leaves from Penn Station

New Jersey -Trains Leaves from Penn Station, busses leave from Port Authority.

If you’re planning on leaving during rush hour, make sure to give yourself lots of time to get a ticket since the lines can get very long. There is no worse feeling (clinically proven) than just missing a train and having to wait for the next one.


Picture thanks to / CC BY-SA 2.0

Hopstop Figures Out the Subways For You

Busker on New York Subway by Annie Mole.

Just put in any two addresses (anywhere including NYC, NJ, Westchester, and Long Island) and Hopstop will tell you how to get there by subway, bus, or walking. You can even look up cab fare!

If  Hopstop makes you feel too cliche try Google maps and put in public transit or walking (or both if you live on the edge).

Or if you don’t trust outside sources (unlikely if you’re on this website with a semi-real domain name) try the official MTA site.


Picture thanks to

Ride the Megabus

Recently graduated and moved to NYC? Looking to visit friends and family in surrounding state, and do it affordably?

Forget the hassles of renting a car, filling the tank and paying for parking.  Jump on a bus and ride in comfort, all while surfing the Web via free Wi-Fi available through

The first intercity, express bus service with fares as low as $1 via the Internet, currently servics 30 cities including 13 Northeast cities and 17 Midwest cities.  All New York departures and arrivals are at Penn Station, located at 31st St. and 8th. Ave.
Booking for travel is done via the Web site.

Customers are encouraged to book early to secure fares as low as $1 and will pay competitive fares the closer they book to the day of departure.
In addition to low fares, provides free Wi-Fi, on-board restrooms, guaranteed seating and comfortable and safe coaches for a relaxed travel experience. 
One-of-a-kind double-decker buses and power outlets are also available on select service routes.  Theses 81-passenger, 13.1 feet high buses also have free Wi-Fi. 
Visit for additional information on routes, arrival and departure times and pricing.

Written by Megabus Public Relations

Click HERE to read a Megabus review or to add your own.

Finally a Pizza Map

carie eating pizza @ koronet by nayrb7.

Are you always craving pizza yet never know where to find it?

Check out this Pizza map that tells you specifics about every pizza place in the city.  But first look at their blog that lists that top choices all around the city.


Picture thanks to